Elizabeth’s MeToo Part 1

Elizabeth was fresh out of a Toxic, to say the least, relationship. 5 long years she was captive. Now was her time to spread her wings and yes cliché but “Find Herself”. She really did loose who she was along that bumpy path. She felt stronger and empowered coming out of it. When all the other emotions settled of course. Young love is not always the right love.

Before leaving Elizabeth meet a man, a man who was the poster boy of wrong place, wrong time. They got to know eachother but she stayed strong in her self care plans, she was going travelling, doing the things that she had been kept from for so long. They exchanged numbers and decided to let the world decide if they were meant to meet again after she left. Until then they enjoyed an intense connection for a few weeks.

The excitement was overwhelming as the days loomed closer. This was much more then an adventure away. This was the beginning of her life again in her mind. Regaining back who is was, who she is.

Once Elizabeth reached her destination it was overwhelming. A different scene then she thought, very intense. Maybe it’s because of been sheltered for so long she thought. So she joined in, in every way she could, while keeping her morals by her side. She may have been the life of the party but you were not going to see her strip, wear a mini skirt to work or sleeping around. Eachto their own It just wasn’t for her.

Elizabeth got a job in an Irish bar and made friends easily. They formed a group and looked out for eachother. They lived, worked and partied together. It was a spot that could be dodgy to say that least so it was smart to pair and group up.

It seemed like the nightclubs never closed, sunrise to sunset they were open. Alcohol was cheap, and even cheaper and stronger if you were a local worker. Days and nights ran into eachother and it just became a routine. Falling to work, Falling to the club, falling out in the daylight, attempting to eat and nap to do it again in a few hours.

Elizabeth had her drink spiked twice while there. Once a lovely group of young guys and girls from Ireland found her and took her back to her apartment. Close call. Thankfully there are still good people around.

The second time she was not so lucky.

Elizabeth had been called over to an older man sitting at the bar about a job opportunity. He asked her what she wanted to drink, he said he was the owner of the club we were in, the bartender agreed. She felt safe,said An Iced Tea please and continued to speak to him about possible employment.

Things start to get blurry but she remembers been pawned off on a younger gentleman. He felt safe to her at that time, in her state, but she still did not feel comfortable. Work conversation continued as she struggled to stand upright.

Do you need a lift home? he asked her.
No no I’m fine, she insisted.
Who was she kidding she could barely stand nevermind walk.
Her friends were gone. Where were they is all she kept thinking.
Are they not wondering where I am?
They left the nightclub, the light of a new day was not creeping in, well no not creeping in, it was there, set and ready for the day.
She started to wonder what time it was,how was it this bright?

The mans car was directly outside the club. A white convertible. She remembers little details. He told her to get in, after refusing multiple times she got in. Feeling scared and helpless she eventually agreed.
He suggested because of the time she could go to the bar and meet the manager and staff now.
She persistently said later please, making excuses like she must change, sleep, shower etc.
It was too late she was in the car.
He turned the radio on and drove without a care in the world, singing along to music she could not understand.

She played along like she was happy for the help, she knew this was going south and had to play it smart. While trying to stay conscious she noticed he had started to drive far away from where they were. Her stomach flipped. She didn’t know this city. She started to question it, don’t worry he would say. She was still fighting the urge to pass out.

They passed the so called club, closed. Over he went to an apartment. Elizabeth is getting a bit irate now. He calms her down, it’s joint with all the staff you will love them. She knew it was a lie but she knew she had to be smart about this to get out alive. Her head is in overdrive trying to stay awake and functional and trying to come up with a plan while been led to that apartment block. While been led towards that building she knew she had a fight on her hands, and if she was lucky enough to get out of there alive nothing would ever be the same…..TBC

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